Punch Above Your Weight, Succeed in Your Role, and Always Feel Like You Are #1

I was looking for a new marketing agency that could help us with building our brand (taking a brand tied to individual contributors to a brand tied to our services), rebuild our website, increase our social media presence, and provide quality traditional agency services. After a couple of initial meetings, brandRUSSO presented to our Executive Team and it was immediately evident that they got us. They understood who were are, and perhaps more importantly, who we wanted to be. They showed me that they knew how to help get us there and their entire team wanted to get us there. From that point on I knew this was going to be an amazing partnership. brandRUSSO's work product is consistenly on point. They can take my vision and make it a reality - whether I describe what I need on a call or I jot it on a piece of paper. Let me be clear though. They are not order-takers. They are a collaborative partner, asking questions, taking feedback, and willing to do whatever it takes until we get the quality result that both organziations know we are capable of. I, along with the others at the company, continue to be impressed by the work done by brandRUSSO.

about 4 years agoSee this agency