Highly adaptive and extremely enthusiastic, Patrick and his team get things done.
Budget Range
$20,000 - $60,000

Video Production

After reaching out to several producers and companies, it wasn't until meeting with Patrick that I felt confidence in a producer's ability to execute on our project. Any doubts we had about the nature of our project due to its niche and oftentimes critical audience were immediately laid to rest with Patrick's genuine interest in what we were creating. Despite his very busy schedule, Patrick was extremely attentive and went through great lengths to ensure we were happy at every step of the process. It was such an absolute pleasure to work with Patrick that we even booked him for a follow up project. The schedule was even tighter than the first one but Patrick pulled through for us. He truly took the time to understand our product and what we were trying to achieve and was able to create some great content for us in a matter of days. I wouldn't hesitate to work with Patrick again in the future.

almost 10 years agoSee this agency