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Why we're unique

Digital Reach Agency was founded in 2011 on a humble premise: a PPC management service that’s easy to sign up for and even easier to cancel if it’s not working out. No tricks- just hard work, great prices, and month-to-month plans. Three years and millions of dollars of ad spend later, our clients have enjoyed the service so much that we've expanded our infrastructure to assist with every element of their internet marketing needs.
We believe in three principles:


Remember that time you hired that company that you never heard from again? That’s not us, and it never will be. We over-communicate so that we know exactly what’s important to each client. And, since we’re in such close communication, that they know that we know. Everybody is on the same page moving forward together.


More than anything, advertisers need to figure out what’s been happening with their business online. Our mission is to arm our clients with that information. Strategy and objectives are important, but if you’re not committed to gathering the data, you won’t get very far. We’re committed to gathering, interpreting, and acting on data. Our clients can see the difference.


Real life doesn't happen in an Excel spreadsheet. We pride ourselves on being accountable for our work, whether or not our clients see immediate success. We believe that hard work will pay off, and we’ll put in the time and effort to prove it.Our clients are more than just a “gold package.” That’s why we believe in tailoring solutions to a client’s specific needs, providing them with the data to evaluate our success, and following up to make sure we got it right.

We pride ourselves on communication, analytics, and accountability. You should never have to wonder what's happening in your account. Our promise is to work hard, take responsibility, and walk you through the numbers, working together to achieve your goals.

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