SENSIS IS AN INTEGRATED CROSS-CULTURAL MARKETING AGENCY - We connect brands with people, through meaningful marketing that builds sustainable demand.
Our cross-cultural model combines Hispanic, African American, Asian market expertise to inform all our work. We are a strategy-led agency, built around robust cross-cultural research and insights. Our integrated capabilities – both culturally and tactically – are a cost-efficient solution to a fragmented media landscape and a reflection of the cultural fusion of the U.S.
Sensis works across a number of industries with a focus on healthcare, financial services, CPG, education, energy, and utilities. Based in Los Angeles, Sensis has offices in Washington DC, Atlanta, and Austin. Agency clients include AT&T, the U.S. Army, Sempra Energy, AltaMed, Texas Tech University, the CDC, and Calbright College.
Along with our integrated advertising services, Sensis offerings include specialty practices: SensisHealth, SensisChallenges, SensisEDU, and SensisCMO.