About Beanstalk Data
Our SaaS platform is your CRM Marketing Master with real-time analytics, marketing automation, and life cycle management tools built right in. We are the glue between your customer touch points across all channels, helping to integrate, analyze, and make actionable your big data like never before possible. We play nice with others and connect POS, loyalty, mobile, email, web, direct mail and more at scale, so you always have a single, live "marketing view" of your customer base.
We are completely self-funded and virtually debt free. No angel investors, venture capital or private equity. This allows us to focus on innovation and creative solutions for our clients without the pressure of meeting the expectations of an outside party.
A special note to recruiters:
If you would like to place an employee into our company please bring your “A” players. People that are passionate about creating really cool things and share the same core values. Our culture is important and we do not tolerate “B” players because we are not looking for the next employee – we are looking for the next team member. BTW- ALL of our current employees came through referrals, networking or contacted us directly through social media.
Learn more at http://www.beanstalkdata.com/about-us/