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Every brand has a story to tell

Today brands are competing with filmmakers, writers and entertainers, not other brands. And unless they create campaigns and content that is at least as compelling as what their audience can find online, on TV, in a newsstand publication, book, app or elsewhere, they will be ignored.

What makes Story truly unique is our approach: using established storytelling techniques and talent to solve advertising and communications challenges.

Fox News has called us a "new age advertising agency," marketing guru Seth Godin namechecked us as one of the top 500 creative companies in the world worth working with. We've been labelled a new model digital agency, a branded content company and various other monikers that stop halfway to describing what we actually do. Simply put, Story is purpose-built to create advertising programs that are great stories—engaging, entertaining and useful. Our work spans integrated campaigns, through-media editorial, digital, social media, film and innovations assignments.

Our heart and soul is, of course, our people—industry-recognized talent from the worlds of advertising, technology, media, fine art and entertainment. From Pulitzer-nominated writers and Mojo-awarded musicians to digital commentators, screenwriters and cultural engineers. All fully integrated into a single, global organization that collaborates across disciplines and national borders, from North America to Europe and Asia.

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